Jun 29, 2011

Jun 24, 2011

two creatures

There has been a funny photo of my dog in my computer for a long time, but I haven't had any idea what to do with it till now. Yesterday, I managed to take a similar one and it turned out to be a funny couple of two different but yet, similar creatures:) The second picture presents a roe deer.

Jun 23, 2011

Two more of Ania and Paulinka

There is one more photo of Ania and another one of her younger sister that I wanted to show you. I'm looking forward to meeting with them on another session that was promissed to me:)
I hope it will happen soon.



Jun 21, 2011

the twins: Ania and Dominik

Children photography is going to be my next big interest. I can feel it in my bones. As I will have a wonderful model (he or she - I don't know yet), I will practice on my child night and day:) Meanwhile, my sister-in-law gave birth to her first child yesterday so... let's begin.


Today I present some headshots of my cousin's children. They are twins: a girl and a boy and they are one year old now.



Jun 11, 2011

The Tatra Mountains - early summer trip.

Last weekend we were visiting our beloved mountains - Tatras. The weather was pretty good, although there were storms everyday at noon so we had to start our trips really early in the morning. We certainly relaxed there, as usual, as it is a perfect place for taking a deep breath and chilling out.

Have a nice Sunday, everyone:)

Jun 1, 2011

Lazy May...

May was really lazy when it comes to my photographing. I think that this is because I'm... pregnant:) That is why I don't rush with anything now and I'm more careful with everything. Anyway, I did take some photos. Here they are (at least those worth placing here):