Oct 29, 2010

The 15th National Show of Purebred Dogs in Rybnik - Kamień (Oct 3, 2010).

I'm suffering from the chronic lack of time, lately. That is why I'm showing you these photos so late. The 15th National Show of Purebred Dogs tok place on October 3rd. The weather was wonderful. It was quite warm and the sun was shining the whole day. This is what we saw there:)

The inscription on the wall says: "To be, or not to be: that is the question"... this dog seems to consider these words:)


  1. Really nice pictures Joanna,
    the light is wonderful.

    greetings, Joop

  2. Lovely set Joanna.
    I know what you mean about 'time', or lack of it. Never enough to do all I need to do.
